a bi-monthly evening of true stories, poetry,
and flights of fancy.
Using the title of a classic stage play or movie as inspiration, storytellers and poets write poems and stories to be read aloud. Writers may pen a personal story inspired by the themes of the play. They may write in the voice of a character from the play and tell his or her back story. Or they may simply riff on the words in the title. Whatever the writer’s approach, BACKSTORY has consistently been a fascinating and eclectic night of theatre.
Upcoming Themes for 2024
All shows at 7:30pm Pacific Time
February 18th
Madam Butterfly
April 7th
Princess Bride
June 2nd
The Color Purple
August 11th
The Misfits
October 13th
The Silence of the Lambs
December 3rd
Love Actually
Up Next
To check out all of our past shows, go to…
The Victory Theatre BackStory YouTube Channel!
To learn more about BackStory and how to submit yourself to be a writer/performer for the show, go to…
Submit an Offering
Tickets $10 at the door to Benefit the Victory Theatre Center.
Call 818.841.4404 for tix, or…