The Victory Theatre Center has worked with emerging playwrights to dramaturge their work for the past thirty-two years. The Theatre opened with the world premiere of Beth Henley’s The Miss Firecracker Contest when Ms. Henley was a student in our acting studio. We select materials based on submissions from literary agents and referrals, and polish and refine scripts within staged readings and workshops. Our work with playwrights is aimed at supporting their creative visions and creating an opportunity for their voices to be heard. With the creation of original works, the Victory Theatre Center has an opportunity to present audiences with current, relevant and thought-provoking ideas.

The Victory Theatre Center invites you to submit your original works. Our play reading process is as follows:
Each script is read by 2 readers, then evaluated and passed on to the Artistic Directors for a final decision. Because The VTC is one of only a few venues that produces original material, the volume of submitted scripts is high. It will take time for your material to be processed.
Please be assured your work will be read. Do not reach out to inquire about your submission. If the VTC decides to move forward with your script, we will reach out to you!
Email Submission Procedure:
- Email Subject: NAME OF PLAY, First and Last Name, Submission. Example: THE CRUCIBLE, Arthur Miller, Submission
- Body of email: Please include a pitch/summary of your script. Entice us to read your work!
- Script: Your script must include a cover page with your contact information, otherwise we will not be able to contact you! Make sure to include cast list/ character descriptions in your submission. Please attach a PDF file of your script.
Submit Your Script
Please follow the procedure above when submitting. Submissions that do not follow procedure will not be considered.
VictoryTheatreSubmissions@gmail.comAlternately, you may send your script with email and phone contact on the cover page, and SASE to:
The Victory Theatre Center
3326 West Victory Blvd, Burbank, CA 91505